Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Blue Ridge Parkway and the Tail of the Dragon

Planning a long distance motorcycle ride all the way to northeast corner of Tennessee in 5 to 6 days sounded both adventurous and fatiguing at its inception. Visions of beautiful landscapes repeating themselves like a skip on an old vinyl record played in my head while the daunting reality of long days of riding dampened my level of enthusiasm. There was going to be plenty of time to think as the back seat would hold me hostage much of my day to my own thoughts.
The massive and amazing panoramic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains stretched across the countryside along the winding parkway. Tree tops crested along overlook roadsides within ten feet of the roads edge. Mountains shot up at sharp angles up through the morning clouds and tunnels carved through the mountains made for easy flow on the roadways. I would like to thank President Roosevelt and his New Deal for this delivery of a piece of American heritage preserved for all to experience. I am thankful for every president thereafter who continued with its construction to 1987 with the completion of the engineering marvel of the Linn Cove Aqueduct. It is a unique bridge of concrete and steel that twists and turns around the edge of the mountainside seemingly suspended in air.
We stopped for lunch where dreams are realized for biker enthusiasts. The Tail of the Dragon is a popular motorcycle destination with its hairpin twists and turns from North Carolina to Tennessee. We sat there as I peered out watching the people walking by with a stir of activity. I discarded the hamburger roll scoffing I did not need the extra carbs. I transgressed as I looked out and asked 'is my ass that big?'. Randomly consumed by the female mind wash of what image is perceived to be sexy or healthy. I would like to believe I am not vulnerable to imposed expectations, but I am no exception. The unwanted twelve pounds hanging on my hips reminded me of how a road trip lacks good food choices.
We started out on the mission of completing our final destination. The bike leaned to its side as centrifugal force held us steady as we made our way around the series of turns. We wove back and forth as we twisted around the roadway. My stomach started to feel a familiar unsettling as my motion sickness started to preoccupy my thoughts. We came out on the other side and I felt my sense of relief dissipate when I looked back and saw that the 312 turns in 11 miles must be repeated. I started to feel hot and what little breeze and shade was provided felt inadequate. I focused intensely on a diet coke. The poison that is eating away at my bones and will surely turn me into a gelatinous ameba was the same poison that would save me from the queasiness stirring in my stomach. Luck was on my side as I made it through the last stretch as we began the return home. 
My greatest impression of our trip is the vastness and beauty of our great country. There is abundant diversity in our people and our countryside. We are left wishing we had planned for more time to get out and do foot exploration through the many trails along the way, but that will be left for another trip at another time with a new and improved idea of what kind of adventure we want to experience.

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